Planning is a big part of my life:) I just loooove planning….Planning my meals, planning my day, planning my holiday, what I want to achieve in the future..with my husband we even have a plan how we want to see us and our life when we are 80 (where we wanna live, how we want to spend our days, what we still want to learn etc)
Yes I know this may be just wahappy-positive-thinkingaaaay too much for you. But I really do believe that if you think at least one step ahead it makes your life and the life of your family easier and happier.
Since Emilia was born I don’t obviously have anymore time for my sophisticated xls sheets but if nothing else I do start my day with thinking about:


1. 3 things I am grateful for
2. 3 things I want to achieve out of my day ( in relationship to my larger goals).

If for any reason I don’t do that

1. I am more likely to feel passive about the life in general and I tend to see “the glass half empty”
2. I feel the day just passed by…everything is too scattered and at the end of day I feel like I haven’t achieve whole lot.
Maybe you want to give it go?