To deliberately step out of our comfort zone once a while does so good us! Though we incline to do the activities we feel good at simply because of our ego. But what we sometimes need is exactly the opposite of what we are good at:)

GymI rarely step out of my comfort zone when it comes to my exercise. But when I do I always feel great about it on physical but mental level too. I always have been more in favour of natural movement type of work outs like swimming running hiking yoga. But I have been aware for a while I need to shake up my body a bit and generally use my muscles in a different new way.

So I finally made a move! I signed up for 3 months program…, specially designed for mums who want to work on their core from the comfort of their home.

AND I finally forced myself to gym ( I am really not a huge fan) an had a great but though session with a PT focused on my lower body.

So the next step is to keep it going for at least 3 moths!